Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Navy Core Values Essays
Navy Core Values Essays Navy Core Values Paper Navy Core Values Paper Moralityust always abide by an uncompromising code of integrity, taking responsibility for our actions and keeping our word. We shall earn respect up and down the chain of command. Be honest and truthful in our dealings with each other, and with those outside the Navy. Accordingly, we shall conduct ourselves in the highest ethical manner in all relationships with peers, superiors and subordinates. Commitment is the day-to-day duty of every man and woman in the United States Navy to come together as a team to improve the quality of our work, our people and ourselves. Courage allows us to meet all challenges while adhering to a higher standard of personal conduct and decency Make decisions in the best interest of the Navy and the nation, without regard to personal consequences. We are always expected to do the right thing. Courage is the value that gives us the strength, both morally and mentally to do the right thing even in the face of adversity or temptation. When we say we will support and defend, we are promising to meet the demands of our profession and the mission when it is hazardous, demanding or otherwise difficult. From the very beginning of naval service, certain key principles or core values have carried on to today. They consist of three basic principles, HONOR, COURAGE AND COMMITMENT. Those three words are the backbone of every man and woman, officer or enlisted who has served or is serving in the United States Navy. Values are defined as ideals, beliefs, customs, or principles that a person holds dear. Values are learned and picked up throughout our lives. We learn values from our family, friends, church, school, community, and country. Our values that we have learned throughout life will affect our attitudes and behavior in all that we do. Be loyal to our nation, ensuring the resources entrusted to us are used in an honest, careful and efficient way. Members of the United States Navy have stood ready to protect our nation and our freedom for well over two hundred years. We must be faithful to our Core Values of Honor, Courage and Commitment as our abiding duty and privilege.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Technology and Typos
Technology and Typos Technology and Typos Technology and Typos By Mark Nichol Just a week after a typographical error in campaign materials for Mitt Romney prompted newspaper headlines, more spelling mistakes by the Romney campaign and the Obama administration alike made the news. A misspelling of America in Romney’s iPhone â€Å"With Mitt†app was followed by a reference to Ronald Reagan spelled â€Å"Ronald Regan†in a slide show at a donor event, a misspelling in a video of â€Å"sneak-peak†instead of â€Å"sneak-peek†(tsk! nobody pointed out that in addition, the hyphen is extraneous), and an invitation to buy â€Å"offical†campaign gear. (The latter two errors appeared on Romney’s Facebook page.) The Obama administration has a few red check marks on its assignments, too: Last year, the White House’s Twitter account misspelled Libya, and Obama himself was seen misspelling Syracuse. He was also called out for a couple of mistakes in the spelling of the names of historical figures in his 1995 memoir. What is the world coming to? In the vicious world of politics, these flubs have provided hooks to hang vitriol on. The misspelling by Romney’s staff of America and Reagan, two key words in Republican ideology, and the other mistakes associated with his campaign have been exploited to attack his suitability for higher office a specious argument, regardless of what you may think about just that. The same goes for Obama, though he is directly responsible for the mistakes in his book. But these errors do provide valuable lessons for everyone. Most important, just as evolution does not mean â€Å"improvement†(the basic definition is â€Å"change†), progress does not mean â€Å"things get better.†And a corollary point is this: Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. How did these errors happen? Because it was easy for them to happen. I wasn’t at the scene of any of these misdemeanor crimes against the English language, but my guess is that in the case of the Romney campaign’s typos, and the Obama administration’s misspelling of Libya, a single person was involved: Tap on a few keys, click a couple of buttons, and presto! the app is launched, the video text is entered, the website copy is live. In the past, political campaigns, like other organizations, took a more measured approach to getting the words out: Drafts were circulated, revised, vetted. Errors occurred, but seldom, because the process rendered the environment hostile to mistakes. Now, however, technology allows one person to have control over dissemination (and sensible people will realize that even if multiple pairs of eyeballs were involved in any of these boo-boos, none of those sensory organs belonged to Romney or Obama himself). Why is it any different now? Why are decision makers so careless in assuming that just because a procedure can be simplified, the protocol for effecting the outcome of the procedure can be minimized as well? Because easier translates to faster and cheaper. But what about quality? You’ll notice nobody defended these errors by saying, â€Å"You know what we meant by Amercia†or â€Å"Everybody knows who ‘Ronald Regan’ refers to†or â€Å"The Libyans spell their country’s name al-LÄ «biyyah, so go figure.†Nor were any announcements made about any heads rolling as a result of the mistakes. We shouldn’t shrug these errors off, however. There are more pressing issues in politics than an apparent aversion to spell-checking, but clear communication is compromised when the ease of use of technology enables carelessness. These mistakes are symptoms of a decline in quality control in our written language and an attendant apathy about the issue. And when impressionable younger people, already inured to the attraction of text-speak, see that our society is blasà © and blithe about how sequences of alphabetical characters are displayed (spelling errors are already ubiquitous, whether on billboards or chalkboards), they receive a subliminal message that precision and perfection are not worthy (if ultimately unattainable) goals. I don’t mean to come across as an alarmist reactionary. Again, we’ve got more important things to take care of. But in the meantime, we shouldn’t let the little things slip away unheeded. And I’ve admitted making errors myself. But as we use our handy little keyboards and keypads, let’s all be more careful out there. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Business Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:15 Terms for Those Who Tell the FutureRules for Capitalization in TitlesWoof or Weft?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The causes of the civil war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The causes of the civil war - Essay Example In the South, slavery was becoming an outdated method of agricultural production as industrialization was taking hold. Similar economies in the Caribbean, Latin America, and Europe had already abandon the practice of slavery and there was no reason to believe that the US would not soon follow. However, by 1860 events and policies enacted since the nations birth had moved the US to the brink of civil war. If slavery was not really at the heart of Americas motivation for going to war, then what were the reasons? The reasons why nations go to war are usually various and complicated, and the American Civil War is not an exception. Although the main reason which provoked the two sides in the Civil war was slavery, three different aspects of the impact of slavery were at the center of the disagreements. These aspects are political, economic, and social. Slavery was certainly a moral issue in regards to the Civil War and was always a contributing influence to the multiple causes of war. Since Americas inception its leaders, such as Thomas Jefferson, well understood that slavery must soon be abolished. In an 1805 letter to William Burwell, Jefferson wrote, "The value of the slave is every day lessening; his burden on his master daily increasing. Interest is therefore preparing the disposition to be just; and this will be goaded from time to time by the insurrectionary spirit of the slaves".1 However, the founding fathers failed to include slavery in the original documents. In addition, the Federation was designed as a weak federal government with significant states rights. States rights, a central issue of the Civil War, had been heavily debated since the Continental Congress. The Articles of Confederation, the first US Constitution, confirmed that the Federal government should be weak and the states should retain their individual po wer.2 The need to abolish slavery, and the weak federal system helped perpetuate the issue towards ultimate war. The conflicting goals
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Critical Analysis of the Trends in Vehicle Miles Traveled Term Paper
Critical Analysis of the Trends in Vehicle Miles Traveled - Term Paper Example The discussion provided for the impact of the outlined factors is one-sided. Most of factors such as decentralization of companies can have either effect. Travel requirements decreases as a person ages due to the decrease in the activity level and decrease in work related travels. Contrary to the earlier arguments, the aging factor does not increase or reduce the VMT. This is because the decreased levels caused by the aging population are countered by the increasing travel levels caused by the maturing young adults. However, the improved health, wealth and higher licensing rates for the elder women have curtailed the reduction in the rates of mobility for the older generation. The argument on the aging factor overlooked the impact of the economic growth on the VMT. This reduces the rate of VMT. Changes in the nature of work will reduce VMT because most of the employment agencies and individuals are applying the use of computer technology to enhance production. Most of the workers can work from home and avoid travelling to their work places. Most institutions of higher learning are also leaning towards introducing online lessons. This will reduce the travel requirements for most students. Decentralization of companies to rural areas can also contribute into the reduction in the VMT because companies may be located near the workforce thus, negating the travel necessity. Finished goods will be brought near retailers and consumers negating the necessity of travelling over long distance to acquire them.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Example for Free
To Kill a Mockingbird Essay ‘Jem’s growing up now and you are too,’ She said to me. ‘we decided to have some feminine influence! ’ (I. ch. 13) In To Kill a Mockingbird, the protagonist is Atticus Finch, a father of two children named Jem and Jean Louis â€Å"Scout†Finch. His wife died when his children were very young. Atticus is quite an old, wise, white man. The book was set in the early 1930’s and it was very common for white men and women to be very racist towards others who aren’t the same race as them. But, Atticus was not like most of the white men and women. He was very kind to everyone not matter what their race was. It seemed as if he didn’t believe in racism. In the book, Atticus was a lawyer for a black man named, Tom Robinson, who was falsely accused of raping Mayella Ewell. He did everything he could to win that trial. But, deep down Atticus knew he would not win because Tom Robinson wasn’t a white man. After the trial ended, he still had to stay strong for his children even though he was worn out. Above all, Atticus was a widower and he was taking care of two growing children on his own. Although, he was a single father, he did raise his children correctly. He taught them not to be racist to others; he always knew exactly what to say. His children were growing up quickly and they needed a feminine figure in their life and that’s not something Atticus could on his own. That’s probably something Atticus will always struggle with. No matter what, children will always need a mother and a father in their life. Atticus was full of knowledge and whenever his children had a question, he would always answer perfectly. In chapter 28, Jem and Scout got attacked by Bob Ewell. Jem got knocked unconscious and Atticus stayed by his bedside until morning. I’m sure he didn’t even sleep. He’s willing to sacrifice his sleep for his children because that’s how good of a father he is. I’m sure he stayed there to make sure Jem wasn’t in pain or he wanted to be there right when Jem woke up. In conclusion, Atticus being a single father really will affect him and his children. Although, his children try not to show it, it is hard growing up without a mother. It just doesn’t balance correctly. Atticus taking care of his children by himself could affect his health at a great deal because he’s not so young, and taking of his children is very, very tiring.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Internet Essay - Online Anonymity and Cyberspace Crime -- Exploratory
Online Anonymity and Cyberspace Crime The 90's internet boom gave rise to new ways of writing in through access to cyberspace. What used to be printed or handwritten on physical surfaces such as paper, cardboard, or bulletin boards has changed to 0's and 1's, bits and bytes of digitized information that can be displayed thru the projections of computer screens. Moreover, the internet has made the process of publishing one's works, writing letters, or chatting with one another much easier and convenient for everyone around the globe. The internet became a universal tool, giving much freedom and flexibility to the users; it gave them opportunity to deliver their thoughts with little or no restrictions. Since it's impossible to regulate all cyber-activities, internet users are often unrestricted by the normal laws or authorities that would set boundaries around the various online transactions. More importantly, the fact that a net user can take on different identities in cyberspace brings about several ethical and social is sues. These anonymous and unrestrictive characteristics of cyberspace often permite abusive users to easily involve themselves in serious cybercrimes such as cyberstalking, cyber-rape, and cyber-harassment through chatting services, emails, cyber communities, and other online communication. In the real world, most encounters in everyone's daily lives are anonymous ones. Chatting with a person beside you in a cafà © or talking to an assistant while shopping for a pair of pants- these are interactions between two unknown persons; however, these contacts do not affect our lives the way some of the anonymous interactions in the cyberspace does so. Chat rooms, net forums, and even the spam mails most people get u... ...sity. 10 Apr. 2004 . Diener, E., Fraser, S.C., Beaman, A. L. & Kelem, R. T. (1976). Effects of deindividuating variables on stealing by Halloween trick-or-treaters. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 33:178- 183. Haley, Jacqueline. "Anonymity of Cyberstalkers: The Cyber-Watchdog's Tough Collar." Georgia State University College of Law May 2001. Kabay, M. E. "Anonymity and Pseudonymity in Cyberspace: Deindividuation, Incivility and Lawlessness Versus Freedom and Privacy." Conference of European Institute for Computer Anti-virus Research 8 Mar. 1998. Post, David G. "Knock Knock Who's There?" Information Week Megazine Dec. 1995. Rowland, Diane. "Anonymity, Privacy, and Cyberspace." 15th BILETA conference 14 Apr. 2000. Springer, Claudia. Electronic Eros: Bodies and Desire in the Postindustrial Age. Texas: University of Texas Press, 1996. Internet Essay - Online Anonymity and Cyberspace Crime -- Exploratory Online Anonymity and Cyberspace Crime The 90's internet boom gave rise to new ways of writing in through access to cyberspace. What used to be printed or handwritten on physical surfaces such as paper, cardboard, or bulletin boards has changed to 0's and 1's, bits and bytes of digitized information that can be displayed thru the projections of computer screens. Moreover, the internet has made the process of publishing one's works, writing letters, or chatting with one another much easier and convenient for everyone around the globe. The internet became a universal tool, giving much freedom and flexibility to the users; it gave them opportunity to deliver their thoughts with little or no restrictions. Since it's impossible to regulate all cyber-activities, internet users are often unrestricted by the normal laws or authorities that would set boundaries around the various online transactions. More importantly, the fact that a net user can take on different identities in cyberspace brings about several ethical and social is sues. These anonymous and unrestrictive characteristics of cyberspace often permite abusive users to easily involve themselves in serious cybercrimes such as cyberstalking, cyber-rape, and cyber-harassment through chatting services, emails, cyber communities, and other online communication. In the real world, most encounters in everyone's daily lives are anonymous ones. Chatting with a person beside you in a cafà © or talking to an assistant while shopping for a pair of pants- these are interactions between two unknown persons; however, these contacts do not affect our lives the way some of the anonymous interactions in the cyberspace does so. Chat rooms, net forums, and even the spam mails most people get u... ...sity. 10 Apr. 2004 . Diener, E., Fraser, S.C., Beaman, A. L. & Kelem, R. T. (1976). Effects of deindividuating variables on stealing by Halloween trick-or-treaters. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 33:178- 183. Haley, Jacqueline. "Anonymity of Cyberstalkers: The Cyber-Watchdog's Tough Collar." Georgia State University College of Law May 2001. Kabay, M. E. "Anonymity and Pseudonymity in Cyberspace: Deindividuation, Incivility and Lawlessness Versus Freedom and Privacy." Conference of European Institute for Computer Anti-virus Research 8 Mar. 1998. Post, David G. "Knock Knock Who's There?" Information Week Megazine Dec. 1995. Rowland, Diane. "Anonymity, Privacy, and Cyberspace." 15th BILETA conference 14 Apr. 2000. Springer, Claudia. Electronic Eros: Bodies and Desire in the Postindustrial Age. Texas: University of Texas Press, 1996.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Global Orientation Essay
Global marketing has the potential to bring a company to its proverbial next level. In order to understand how to thrive in global marketing one must first understand the conditions leading to the development and sustainment of global market. The need and environment for a global market stemmed from a number of factors. One factor is the rapid technological advances in equipment, communications, and transportation, which are all major drivers of both the ability and the desire of companies to expand globally. Advances in production equipment allows companies to create larger volumes of product which, when paired with the expanded customer base of a global market, can generate greater profits which can be reinvested into research and development efforts. These increases in product volume and profit are aided by faster communication and transportation, which serve to shrink the global marketplace and provide less costly methods for companies to distribute products, information, and financial flows. Another factor is the international system, which includes the development of the International Monetary Framework, trading blocs, General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and other such formations of international agreements facilitated by the spread of global peace. One final factor is the spread of awareness in disparate markets of different products and processes. In the process of forming international infrastructures, global experiences have served to change attitudes and behaviors of entire segments of domestic markets. Being exposed to ideas from around the world has affected these market segments’ tastes and professed needs, eventually leading to a convergence of world markets to global markets sharing common tastes and needs across geographical boundaries. From a more conceptual angle, global markets derived from the Bretton Woods system of global free trade and are able to thrive under the policies of a hegemon, or dominant world power. The Bretton Woods Agreement established a method enabling currencies to be convertible for trade, by pegging currencies to gold, and formed the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The system established by the Bretton Woods Agreement was validated due to the United States’ economic dominance and manufacturing base. Through the uses of diplomacy, finance, and military force, the United States has ensured openness in the Bretton Woods system, a concept defined by the Greek word hegemony. It has been theorized that international systems are best able to maintain stability when managed by a single dominant world power. According to the theory of hegemonic stability, the downfall of the reigning hegemon causes the global market to suffer instability until another rises into power. Furthermore, the tastes and needs of global markets will change to reflect that of the hegemon, which explains the current spread of western culture. The convergence of world markets has created the need for companies to approach all country markets within their scope of operations as a single global market, identifying market segments with similar demands that can be satisfied with the same product, standardizing what components of the marketing mix that they can, and adapting the marketing mix to accommodate for significant cultural differences when necessary – an approach called global orientation. Factors that must be considered for a company to achieve global awareness and succeed in global orientation include objectivity, tolerance toward cultural differences, and a solid knowledge base. The first factor, objectivity, involves being objective in the assessment and handling of opportunities, risks, and issues associated with prospective investments. The second, tolerance, requires an understanding of and willingness to work with different cultures that exhibit behaviors unlike one’s own. The final factor to achieving global awareness is becoming knowledgeable about the changes occurring throughout the world, the global economy, social trends, world market potentials, world history, and individual cultures. A company’s success in the three aforementioned factors will determine the level of global awareness they will be able to achieve, their success in a transition to global orientation, and ultimately their success in the global marketing environment. Once a company has achieved global marketing success, it must establish a competitive advantage in order to thrive. Competitive advantages can be typified by a company’s competitive strategy coupled with their emphasis on new product-market growth. Table 1 depicts Mullins and Walker’s (2013) typologies of business level competitive strategies. An example of how a company may fit into this typology is that of Samsung. Samsung gauges whether they are on the right track in the global market through the use of data collection and studies including revenue measurements, profitability measurements, average price indices (API), brand attitude studies (BAS), and dealer attitude studies (DAS), which would place them in the position of analyzer using both competitive strategies of differentiation and cost leadership. Table 1: Combined Typology of Business-Level Competitive Strategies Emphasis on new product-market growth Heavy Emphasis No Emphasis prospectorAnalyzerDefenderReactor Competitive strategyDifferetiationUnits primarily concerned with attaining growth through aggressive pursuitof new product-market opportunitiesUnits with strong core business; actively seeking to expand into related product-markets with differentiated offeringsUnits primarily concerned with maintaining a differentiated position in mature marketsUnits with no clearly defined product-market development or competitive strategy Cost leadershipUnits with strong core business; actively seeking to expand into related product-markets with low-cost offeringsUnits primarily concerned with maintaining a low-cost position in mature markets In conclusion, global markets have evolved from increased international cooperation and interaction. In order for companies to continue to grow and thrive, they must become globally oriented in their operations and implement a competitive strategy for the global environment. Globalization has opened up many opportunities for worldwide development and is strengthened by the participation of companies in the global market and by strong leadership by a world power. References Cooper, R. N. , Eichengreen, B. , Holtham, G. , Putnam, R. D. , & Henning, C. R. (1989). Can Nations Agree? Issues in International Economic Cooperation. Washington D. C. : The Brookings Institution. pp. 255-298. Mazlish, B. (2012). Three Factors of Globalization: Multinational Corporations, Non-Governmental Organizations, and Global Consciousness. Globality Studies Journal. Retrieved from http://globality. cc. stonybrook. edu/? p=239 Mullins, J. W. , Walker, O. C. (2013). Business Strategies and Marketing Decisions. McGraw Hill Education. Retrieved from http://answers. mheducation. com/business/marketing/marketing-strategy/business-strategies-and-marketing-decisions
Saturday, November 9, 2019
National Artist Award Controversy Essay
The National Artist Award is one of the prestigious awards given to people who are considered as national artists for their contribution in the different field of arts. It is the highest state of recognition given to Filipino artists. Just recently, this year’s awarding was full of controversies and issues that left the people questioning if the awardees deserved the recognition given. Among the seven awardees of this year’s National Artist are; Manuel Urbano a. . a Manuel Conde for Film and Broadcast, Lazaro Francisco for Literature, Federico Aguilar Alcuz for Visual Arts, Painting, Sculpture and Mixed Media, Cecilla Guidote-Alvarez for Theater, Magno Jose â€Å"Carlo†Caparas for Visual Arts and Film, Francisco Manosa for Architecture , and Jose â€Å"Pitoy†Moreno for Fashion Design. Two of the seven awardees were questioned by the critics and the public namely Cecilla Guidote-Alvarez and Magno Jose â€Å"Carlo†Caparas. The selection of the two awardees was tainted by politics that the critics protested and demanded for further investigation on President Arroyo’s choice. To consider that Cecillia Guidote- Alvares is the executive director of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) and administers the award together with the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP). She also heads the NCCA secretariat that receives nominations for the national artists. The recognition given to her was debated and questioned by the critics and her eligibility as well. The guidelines for the nomination process states that NCCA and CCP board members, consultants, officers, and staffs are automatically disqualified from the nomination. On the other hand, the recognition of Magno Jose â€Å"Carlo†Caparas as national artist was also questioned. His nomination was rejected twice by the NCCA panels. He was first proposed as a nominee for literature and was rejected. And again as a nominee for visual arts and was again rejected. His two rejections from the nomination gave doubt to the critics and the public if there has been any foul play. Another reason of the critic’s fury over the choice of the two awardees is they are known to be vocal supporters of the President. The palace remained firm on their decision to the recognition given to the awardees. â€Å"We respect the views of others but we stand by the list and we say it was a product of a thorough process and we stand by the qualifications qualities track record and reputation of those named as National Artists,†quoted by Acting Executive Secretary and Presidential political adviser Gabriel Claudio. It is very depressing to hear such controversies and issues regarding the National Artist awards. What counts most is not the recognition but the credibility of the artist that is chosen. Some would say that it was biased and for political agenda. Some would say that there was a foul play. We all have different views on this issue. We are entitled to express our criticisms and opinions and stand by what we strongly believe. I do not take any sides on this issue. All I can do is express what I think and believe. It is very tiring to hear that all the things that are happening around us are tainted by politics. What we see and what we hear always gives us doubt and we find it hard to believe, for we cannot tell who is telling the truth. Giving recognition to the Filipino artists is a tribute for their contribution to the Filipino arts and culture. What makes it more rewarding is to know that you are not recognized for your achievements; rather you are recognized for what you did and for what you contributed. And that makes it worth the award.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Third Culture Kids essays
Third Culture Kids essays The 21st century will be remembered as the era of globalization. American men and women are traveling to and living in countries throughout the world, as their businesses move them from one office to another across the globe. In many cases, these businesspeople are married and are joined by their children of varying ages. According to the book The Third Culture Kid Experience by David Pollock and Ruth Van Reken, the experiences of youths who spend a significant part of their childhood living overseas are both beneficial and challenging. The authors spoke with a number of Third Culture Kid (TCK) parents about the time spent in other countries. For others who plan on going abroad or have already left, the book brings new insights and gives support knowing that one's family is not alone. It would also pay for companies to give a copy to each of its employees heading off to distant lands. For those who live in the United States, the book provides another way of looking at the impact of an increasingly global world. The authors offer this definition of the global child: A Third Culture Kid (TCK) is a person who has spent a significant part of his or her developmental years outside the parents' culture. The TCK builds relationships to all of the cultures, while not having full ownership in any. Although elements of each culture are assimilated into the TCK's life experience, the sense of belonging is in relationship to others The primary similarity between all TCKs is mobilityall Third Country Kids undergo significant change and complexity in their early years. What kind of impact will this living arrangement have on these youths in the long run' All child behaviorists recognize that boys and girls need stability and structure in the first decade of their lives. ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Italian Interrogatives (Pronomi Interrogativi)
Italian Interrogatives (Pronomi Interrogativi) In the Italian language, questions beginning with an interrogative word, the subject is usually placed at the end of the sentence. Quando guarda la TV Michele? (When does Michael watch TV?) Prepositions such as a, di, con, and per always precede the interrogative chi. In Italian, a question never ends with a preposition. A chi scrivono? (To whom are they writing?)Di chi à ¨ questa chiave? (Whose key is this?)Con chi uscite stasera? (Who(m) are you going out with tonight?) Che and cosa are abbreviated forms of che cosa. The forms are interchangeable. Che cosa bevi? (What are you drinking?)Che dici? (What are you saying?)Cosa fanno i bambini? (What are the children doing?) As with all adjectives, the interrogative adjectives agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify, except for che, which is invariable. Quali parole ricordi? (Which words do you remember?)Che libri leggi? (What books do you read?)Quante ragazze vengono? (How many girls are coming?) Che cos’à ¨...? (Che cosa à ¨, cos’à ¨) expresses English What is...? in a request for a definition or an explanation. Che cos’à ¨ la semiotica? (What is semiotics?) Qual à ¨ expresses What is...? when the answer involves a choice, or when one requests information such as a name, telephone number, or address. Qual à ¨ la tua materia preferita? (What’s your favorite subject?)Qual à ¨ il numero di Roberto? (What is Roberto’s number?) Interrogative Pronouns CHI? Who? Whom? Chi sei? CHE COSA? What? Cosa dici? QUALE? Which (one/s)? Quale giornale vuoi? Interrogative Adjectives CHE? (inv.) What? What kind of? Che macchina ha? QUALE? (pl. QUALI) Which? Quali libri leggete? QUANTO/A/I/E? How much? How many? Quanta pazienza avete? Interrogative Adverbs COME + È?*(inv.) How? Come sta Giancarlo? DOVE + È?* Where? Dov’à ¨ la biblioteca? PERCHÉ? Why? Perchà © non dormono? QUANDO? When? Quando parte Pietro? *Come à ¨ Com’à ¨*Dove à ¨ Dov’à ¨
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Are International institutions effective in solving collective Research Paper
Are International institutions effective in solving collective Problems Case study of Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and North Korea's Nuclear crisis - Research Paper Example A plan offered by the United States in 1946 also proposed that all nuclear arms and technology come under international control and ownership. However, the post World War efforts did not seem to work out too well and it was later on that countries started to pledge allegiance to the NPT (Non Proliferation Treaty) which kicked off in 1968 and became effective in 1970. A list of around 190 countries are signatory to the treaty. The NPT rests on the premise that the non-nuclear nations would agree to never pursue any sort of acquisition of nuclear arsenal whereas the nuclear weapon state would share the benefits of it with the non-nuclear states. The treaty is reviewed for changes every 5 years and as of now, stands as being extended till an indefinite period. North Korea had the USSR as its strongest communist ally at the time of the cold war. When the cold war came to a close, Soviet Russia had weakened substantially. North Korea, that looked upon it as a security guarantee began to think that now it should itself do something to curb the situation. Therefore, in 1989 the United States, through its intelligence network, found that North Korea which had signed the NPT is in the early stages of building an atomic bomb. In 1992 North Korea allowed a team from the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Commission) to undertake visitors to its nuclear facilities. The inspections seemed to not go as expected and North Korea had blocked the commission from visiting some of its facilities. In 1994 an â€Å"Agreed Framework†was reached between America and North Korea that stated that N. Korea would abandon its nuclear program and the U.S. would provide oil for electricity and better economic ties would be maintained .Also, the atomic plants w ould be replaced with light water nuclear power plants .However, the routine inspections would continue by the IAEA, However in late 2002, George Bush
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